Infographic: the effectiveness of supplementation on the progression of AMD

Infographic: the effectiveness of supplementation on the progression of AMDWhat is the future for AMD patients, and can lutein and zeaxanthin help slow the progression to advanced AMD?

Age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness, and researchers are trying to find effective ways to slow the progression of the disease amongst patients.

The most well-known study, AREDS 2 in 2013, seeked to measure the effectiveness of lutein and zeaxanthin against dietary intake and betacarotene with promising results. Those with high risk factors showed a reduction in the risk of developing advanced AMD.

Our infographic also explores pioneering research into macular pigment and Alzheimer’s disease, and whether the disease is linked to lutein concentration.

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Infographic: the effectiveness of supplementation on the progression of AMD

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