How can you invest to grow your eye care practice efficiently? You need to make the right decisions about the team you build, the processes you implement and the equipment that you use. We can help you with the third of these, in particular…
We’re often asked by our customers what makes our devices a sensible investment. We invest in designing and manufacturing accurate, efficient and affordable ophthalmic equipment, backed by clinical data, with clear benefits for eye care professionals. So here’s why the MPS II would make an effective investment for your practice.
Our Macular Pigment Screener (MPS II) provides clear benefits to you, your patients and public health more broadly, in 3 simple steps:
- It diversifies your services – setting you apart from other practices
- It grows your business – through new revenues streams
- It protects your patients – and lowers wider healthcare costs
1. Diversify your services
Offering macular pigment screening will single you out from other professionals who do not yet offer the service. The MPS II is designed to provide reliable and consistent measurements of macular pigment optical density (MPOD) without sacrificing a great deal of your time. Each eye can be screened in 90 seconds, with results available immediately. Simply, this means you can screen more patients each day and analyse their results there and then.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a growing global threat and the MPS II is designed specifically to prevent or mitigate its impact. It makes screening for AMD risk convenient for both patient and professional, so those at risk can be helped before serious intervention, like invasive treatment, is necessary.
Read more about taking a proactive approach to managing the global issue of AMD.
2. Grow your business
Through identifying and helping patients at risk of AMD, the MPS II also facilitates business growth via the sale of eye health supplements – an ongoing revenue stream – and/or protective lenses, both of which are beneficial in protecting against AMD threat.
The typical scenario plays out like this – a patient is screened with the MPS II and may be identified as having low MPOD. This indicates a risk of developing AMD, as low macular pigment levels can cause oxidative stress leading to cell damage. You may then recommend that the patient starts a regime of lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation to increase their MPOD levels. The prescription of blue light filtering lenses, as applicable, may also prove beneficial in reducing the levels of harmful blue light that reaches and damages the macula in the absence of sufficient levels of protective macular pigment.
Patients should also be advised to make lifestyle changes, as applicable – quitting smoking, improving their diet and including exercise in their routine. S/he is then invited for regular screenings to monitor MPOD levels and assess the effectiveness of the proactive measures.
For more information about the importance of MPOD, read our related blog post.
3. Protect your patients
AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in the over 50s, and it is projected that there will be 196 million cases by 2020. In 2010 $343 billion dollars were spent on healthcare related to AMD globally, and this will only increase without intervention.
Using the MPS II to detect AMD risk early, enables you to protect patients in your local area from the threat of life-changing vision loss and invasive future treatment. The principle of MPOD screening – a proactive, educative and preventative approach to AMD threat – may in time also play its role in reducing high healthcare costs re. expensive AMD treatments and slowing the impact that AMD has on the global population.
Effective screening programmes are needed and the MPS II can play a key role. First, a clinician should identify groups most at-risk (for example, those with family history) and recruit them into early screening programmes. Those most at risk can be captured before AMD has even developed, and their low MPOD levels can be improved and risk of AMD reduced.
This early intervention could prevent a large number of AMD cases developing and, therefore, reduce the need for more serious treatment like laser surgery or injections; in turn reducing wider healthcare costs and helping to prevent vision loss.
As you can see the MPS II offers added value for patients and professionals, as well as helping to tackle the global impact of AMD.
Learn about the benefits of investing in the MPS II for your practice – read more about the MPS II, including professional case studies, or download a brochure.