How the MPS II can save optometrists time and boost income

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is currently the number one cause of untreatable blindness worldwide. The debilitating eye condition affects around 462,000 people in the UK alone, and this number is predicted to triple by 2025.

Despite these warnings people continue to believe that their worsening eyesight is part of ageing, which is why it should be an optometrist’s priority to urge the public to have their macular pigment read for early warning signs.

The MPS II can save your patients time

Attracting potential patients to have an eye examination can be difficult, especially if their eyes appear healthy.

A major reason people give for not having a check-up is that they simply do not have the time. It often means time out from work or school or rearranging a routine schedule, leading them to avoid the inconvenience.

By adding the MPS II macular pigment screener to your practice you’ll be able to tell your patients within 90 seconds whether or not they are at an increased risk of AMD. Not only are these results delivered much faster than traditional tests, they’re also accurate and reliable.

Letting patients know that they could nip into the practice for a quick eye test during a lunch break or during a shopping trip. This is not only more likely to convince them to take one test, it may increase the likelihood that they’ll make regular check-ups part of their lifestyle too.

The MPS II can save your business money

macular pigment screener MPS II business case

Whilst the benefits of an MPS II can be good for your patient they can also be great for your business.

If the MPS II was to cost your practice £6,000 you’d only need to see 300 patients at £20 pounds per person before you’ve covered the device’s initial cost – an easily achievable goal, particularly if the device’s efficiency has attracted more people to your practice.

Additionally, if a patient is found to be at risk of developing AMD and you establish a relationship with them the chances they return to your practice for medications and further tests are high, both for check-ups and to purchase supplements which can delay the progress of the disease.

Installing an MPS II at your practice

To find out more about the MPS II macular pigment reader, and how to install one at your practice, please visit the ophthalmology pages on the Elektron Healthcare website.

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