Discover the MPS II at the ProVista Seminar in Oslo

ProVista Seminar in OsloWe’ll be in Norway this month to join leading eye-care specialists at the ProVista Seminar 2013 in Oslo.

This year’s seminar will focus on opitical rehabilitation of the visually impaired and covers optical measures for students, reading on mobile devices, mobility and orientation, and much more.

The MPS II macular pigment screener

At the ProVista seminar we will be showcasing the MPS II, running its new and improved Version 5 software.

The MPS II can take an accurate reading of a patient’s macula in just 90 seconds, quickly and effectively detecting any risk of age-related degeneration (AMD).

Currently AMD is one of the most serious causes of vision loss worldwide, affecting around 462,000 people in the UK. This figure is predicted to double by 2025.

By identifying patients with developing AMD quickly the eye care expert will be able to offer them the correct advice and medications to prevent further damage to the macula. Immediate action is crucial as there’s no existing cure for the condition and vision loss caused by advanced AMD is irreversible.

More information

To learn more about the MPS II and how it can benefit your practice please visit the ophthalmology pages on the Elektron Healthcare website.

Find out how you can attend the ProVista Seminar by visiting the ProVista website. Please note that you’ll need translation software if you can’t read Norwegian, this software is standard in the Google Chrome browser.

Are you already planning to attend? Say hello and tweet us at @ElektronHealth!

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