IDE Vision
80 Caroline Street B
irmingham B3 1
UP United Kingdom
February 5, 2021
IDE Vision Limited acquires the MPSII Macular Pigment Screener from
Elektron Eye Technology Limited.
UK based IDE Vision Limited (“IDE”) announced today that on 13 January 2021 it acquired the assets which
comprise the business of manufacturing and selling of the MPSII Macular Pigment Screener (MPSII) from
Elektron Eye Technology Limited (“EET”).
David Smith, CEO of IDE stated “it is an exciting time for IDE as it enters the ophthalmic market with the
MPSII as its core device. Our initial focus will be on the existing customer base for the MPSII who are located
across the globe. We will then look to invest in developing the device as part of a system for the professional
to use easily and incorporate new modern technology to support it”.
The MPSII was the world’s first commercially viable, patent-protected macular pigment measurement device
used to determine the state of the macular pigment which has been associated with the risk of a person
developing Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
The MPS II measures Macula Pigment Optical Density (MPOD). MPOD directly correlates with the
progression of AMD, a blinding condition that afflicts people as they get older. The MPSII allows early
intervention and management for optical preservation of the visual field. The most common treatment for a
high-risk patient is supplements which contain the carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
To understand more about IDE Vision and the MPSII device please contact IDE Vision at;